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n8n is a powerful workflow automation tool that allows you to connect different applications and services and create complex automations. In this blog article, I will show you how to install n8n with Docker and explain the various options that n8n offers you.

n8n enables the creation of automations and workflows using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it a low-code platform. This makes it easier for users without extensive programming knowledge to design and implement complex automation tasks. The visual interface makes it easy to connect different services and tasks through nodes and connections.

At the same time, n8n also offers the possibility to integrate user-defined scripts and functions, giving advanced users the flexibility to fulfill specific and complex requirements through coding. In this way, n8n combines the ease of use of a low-code platform with the power of coding elements.

This blog post and video is part of a series in which we create and set up our own home server. We start with the basics like an Ubuntu VM installation with Docker and then continue with the configuration of your own domain, security precautions and above all lots of cool and useful self-hosted services. Whether media servers like Plex or Jellyfin or document management like Paperless-NGX. Together we'll build the setup you want to see. We even tackle topics such as single sign-on (SSO) together.

Possibilities with n8n

n8n offers a wide range of options for automating workflows and integrating various applications. Here are a few examples:

1. integration of various services

With n8n you can integrate a variety of services and applications, including:

  • E-mail servicesAutomate the sending and receiving of e-mails.
  • DatabasesConnect to SQL and NoSQL databases to store and retrieve data.
  • Cloud servicesIntegrate services such as AWS, Google Cloud and Azure.
  • Social mediaAutomate posts and interactions on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

2. creation of complex workflows

n8n allows you to create complex workflows that include multiple steps and conditions. For example, you can:

  • Process dataRetrieve data from one source, transform it and write it to another source.
  • NotificationsSend automated notifications via various channels when certain conditions are met.
  • Connecting APIsExchange and process data between different APIs.

3. visual development

n8n offers a user-friendly, visual interface that allows you to create workflows by simply dragging and dropping nodes. Each node represents an action or service and you can link them together to create your workflow.

4. scalability and customizability

n8n is highly customizable and scalable. You can create your own custom nodes to meet specific requirements and run n8n on a variety of platforms, from your local machine to cloud environments.

5. easy to use thanks to templates

n8n offers a Variety of templatesthat help users to create workflows quickly and efficiently. These templates serve as ready-made solutions for common automation tasks and make it easier to create complex workflows without in-depth programming knowledge. Here are some important aspects of the n8n templates:

  1. Prefabricated workflowsThe templates contain complete workflows that can be used directly or easily customized to meet specific requirements. This saves time and effort when creating new automations from scratch.
  2. Wide range of use casesThe templates cover a variety of use cases, including marketing automation, data synchronization, email notifications, social media management, CRM integrations and much more.
  3. Simple customizationUsers can easily customize the ready-made workflows to their specific needs. This makes it possible to modify existing templates and add new steps or conditions.
  4. Integration with various servicesThe templates utilize the wide range of integrations that n8n supports. This includes a variety of third-party services and APIs that can be seamlessly integrated into the workflows.
  5. Community contributionsMany templates are created and shared by the n8n community. This promotes the exchange of knowledge and best practices and provides a valuable resource for new and experienced users.
  6. Easy accessTemplates can be searched and imported directly from the n8n user interface. This makes it easy to find and use suitable templates for your own requirements.

In summary, the n8n templates provide an efficient way to quickly create and customize automation workflows by accessing a variety of pre-built solutions for different use cases.

Installation of n8n with Docker

Installing n8n with Docker is quick and easy. Follow these steps to set up n8n on your system:

Step 1: Install Docker

If Docker is not yet installed on your system, download it from the official Docker website and install it. Docker is available for Windows, macOS and Linux.

Step 2: Create Docker-Compose file

Create a new directory on your system and create a docker-compose.yml file with the following content:

    container_name: "n8n"
    image: "n8nio/n8n:latest"
      - "GENERIC_TIMEZONE=Europe/Berlin"
      - "N8N_SECURE_COOKIE=false"
      - "WEBHOOK_URL=http://:5678/"
      - "sascha"
      - "5678:5678/tcp"
    restart: "unless-stopped"
      - "/mnt/cache/appdata/n8n:/home/node/.n8n"

    external: true


  • GENERIC_TIMEZONE=Europe/BerlinSets the time zone to Europe/Berlin.
  • N8N_SECURE_COOKIE=falseDeactivates secure cookies and ensures that you can use n8n locally via http:// without an SSL certificate. Without the variable, you will receive an error.
  • With "sascha" I use a previously created external Docker network

Important note: The last slash (/) at WEBHOOK_URL=http://:5678/ is essential and must always be present. This slash ensures that the webhook URL functions correctly. If this slash is missing, problems may occur when processing webhooks.

Step 3: Execute Docker-Compose

Open a terminal window, navigate to the directory in which your docker-compose.yml file and execute the following command:

docker compose up -d

This command starts the n8n service in the background. You can now access n8n in your browser by entering http://:5678 enter.

Step 4: Create account

The first time you open n8n, you will be asked to create an account. Enter your desired username and password and follow the instructions to create an account. You can use this account to log in and manage your workflows in future. Workflows


If you are unable to access the page after starting the container and you see an error similar to the following in the logs n8n eacces permission denied open '/home/node/.n8n/config'then the reason is that the authorizations have not been set correctly.

To fix this, you need to reset the permissions for your storage location for the configuration of n8n. You can do this with my Docker-Compose with the following command:

sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/cache/appdata/n8n

The command recursively changes the permissions of the directory /mnt/cache/appdata/n8n and all subdirectories and files contained therein, so that all users (owner, group and others) have full access (read, write and execute) to it. n8n seems to require this. At that point, only the top folder exists anyway, which is why -R is probably unnecessary. The sudo-command ensures that the command is executed with administrator rights. These far-reaching authorizations can pose a security risk in a shared system, as they allow every user full access.

After you have set the permissions, all you have to do is restart the container and everything should work! You can do this in Portainer or, if necessary, via docker compose down and then again docker compose up -d make.

YouTube video implementation



With n8n and Docker, you can quickly and easily set up a powerful automation system that helps you optimize your daily tasks and integrate various applications and services. Use the many possibilities of n8n to automate your workflows and work more efficiently.

Try it out and discover how n8n can revolutionize the way you work!

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Categories: Smart Home


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